On the Shortness of Life
"Life is divided into three periods; for now, for the past and for the future. Of these, 'now' is very short, the future uncertain and the past is certain". Seneca
"Life is divided into three periods; for now, for the past and for the future. Of these, 'now' is very short, the future uncertain and the past is certain". Seneca
The source of my exhibition is Seneca's Short Life. In his work, he states that the time we live is sufficient, as long as it is used well. He also notes that we are short of life because we cannot use it well enough.
My works are neither pedagogical nor moral, and I do not want to appeal to the viewer's feelings. Nor is my intention to question the lap of life or the course of time.
In visualizing my time, I'll mention its concepts: the past, the present, and the future.
Regardless of what everyone does, I want to give value to daily chores in everyday routines and time. In my works, I use everyday objects and elements that are part of our daily lives. My aspiration is to re-evaluate "close-by", what is personal to each person.
In addition, the purpose is to appreciate this moment and its uniqueness, given that every moment always changes to the past, as a possible commemoration that the individual carries with it.