If not I, then who?
[es war einmal ... eine deutsche Kolonie]
[divinization of cruelty]
[mikroskopische präparate]
[minima moralia]
man can no longer expect miracles,
The Raw, the Cooked and the Like
September 11 in progress...
Portraits and Monuments
A Personal Code
[Sometimes I feel so] Uninspired:
What Love Weighs [With Nita Vera]
Civilizations, case IV: Trickery
Civilizations, case V: The Plot
Civilizations, case I: A Landscape
Oi Suomi, katso, sinun päiväs
The Gaze of the Other
Artist can survive
Dialogue With Aliens
Beware of pictures
Civilization, case III: Domovinski Rat
Ebb and Flow
On the Shortness of Life
Vocabulary in a certain way
Representation of an activity
“A Worrying Strangeness”
untitled [about eros and thanatos]
Celebrating Africa
A stranger in Paris
They are... dreaming
They Are... coming
The Are... the people
Ten Commandments of Integration
This is not an art work
Free like a bird
History repeats itself
Everyone knows it already
Me and my shadows
Photographs 1976-1991
Adolfo Vera in progress...
If not I, then who?
[es war einmal ... eine deutsche Kolonie]
[divinization of cruelty]
[mikroskopische präparate]
[minima moralia]
man can no longer expect miracles,
The Raw, the Cooked and the Like
September 11 in progress...
Portraits and Monuments
A Personal Code
[Sometimes I feel so] Uninspired:
What Love Weighs [With Nita Vera]
Civilizations, case IV: Trickery
Civilizations, case V: The Plot
Civilizations, case I: A Landscape
Oi Suomi, katso, sinun päiväs
The Gaze of the Other
Artist can survive
Dialogue With Aliens
Beware of pictures
Civilization, case III: Domovinski Rat
Ebb and Flow
On the Shortness of Life
Vocabulary in a certain way
Representation of an activity
“A Worrying Strangeness”
untitled [about eros and thanatos]
Celebrating Africa
A stranger in Paris
They are... dreaming
They Are... coming
The Are... the people
Ten Commandments of Integration
This is not an art work
Free like a bird
History repeats itself
Everyone knows it already
Me and my shadows
Photographs 1976-1991
Civilization, case III: Domovinski Rat
[Homeland war] Civilización, caso III: Domovinski Rat [Guerra patriótica]
Domovinski Rat (Homeland war) Krajina 1995 #1, 2013
Archival pigment print. 64 x 80 cm.
Domovinski Rat (Homeland war) Krajina 1995 #2, 2013
Archival pigment print. 64 x 80 cm.
Domovinski Rat (Homeland war) Krajina 1995 #3, 2015
Archival pigment print. 90 x 155 cm.
Domovinski Rat (Homeland war) Krajina 1995 #4, 2015
Archival pigment print. 64 x 80 cm.
Domovinski Rat (Homeland war) Krajina 1995 #5, 2015
Archival pigment print. 36 x 65 cm.
Domovinski Rat (Homeland war) Krajina 1995 #6, 2015
Archival pigment print. 90 x 155 cm.
Domovinski Rat (Homeland war) Krajina 1995 #7, 2015
40 x 50 cm. Pigment print
Domovinski Rat (Homeland war) Krajina 1995 #8, 2015
Archival pigment print. 90 x 155 cm.
Civilization: case III -Domovinski Rat [Homeland war]
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